Saturday, August 13, 2011

More Animoto play!

I have thousands of photos on my computer (who doesn't!) ; rarely print them (which is a pity 'cos I do love paper based albums) and so don't really look at them often. This is a good way to at least 'flick through them'.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

oooo! I've discovered a new tool.  This is such a user-friendly tool to use to create a video montage of photos. You can also easily upload to youtube or download as an MP4 to embed easily or even get a DVD (for minimal cost) to send as a gift maybe or include in business promotion packs or learning portfolios. Loving this exploration!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Melbourne bits

Paste ups

me - one of my favourite reflective surfaces in Melbourne.

Den - one of my favourite people in Melbourne!

Hao (on a visit from Beijing) in Hosier Lane

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Zeitgeist -PHEW!

Zeitgeist: The Movie - 2007 by Peter Joseph from on Vimeo.

This is such a powerful movie. YOU MUST WATCH IT!

Also check out  the link - Zeitgeist  for the addendum and the way forward.

Monday, January 3, 2011

my year in facebook statuses - 2010

I can hear a woman crying in the park, birds chirping and distant thumping of sound from Summer Dayze (?). Ah a new decade begins. I am  in love with Tatzu Nishi! Lost in cyberspace on a school night. Helllllllllllllllllllp! Rejoicing in the power of connection! … Creatively meandering through cyberspace. Looking for funky things to do in Tokyo in March. Slept until 2:00pm! That's 12 hours sleep. Crazy! Dreamed of wild winds, crashing trees and and trying to get a train back home from wherever I was. Each train that pulled into the station was dark and forbidding. What does it all mean?
Would like to find a warm, dark cave somewhere and sleep, bear-like, for a month. So over the noise of people. I am impressed! A liquid amuse-bouche before a cocktail? Deliciously decadent. Rainbow Serpent - A new site this year - hilly, views of the wind turbines flashing dragon eyes at night, forest......glorious! Well chilled after a fab weekend at Rainbow. I am hating those sticky notes that signify absolutely nothing - not even full of sound and fury. I need a longggggggggggggggggggggg holiday. Where is that free spirit that was me? I had 975 Facebook friends but culled to the select few. You are the cream!!!!!!! Being a tatt is just as good as having one. Sleeping on the balcony tonight! (Hope the possums don't eat my face.) I have been into oral gratification big time this weekend. Oooooooooooooo Great! I was warned about the xxxxxx Bypass Bridge!! Bummer my first speeding fine ($146) and 1 demerit point . Those bloody cameras. Grrrrrrrrrrr. Am blissed out, golden and shiny! Sending blessings to you who are reading this.  Procrastinating! Turned on the computer to study and .......... find myself meandering mindlessly (but happily) through Facebook pages!! Brookers is soooooooooooooooo cute! in love with this girl! (oops! I was studying Honest and was looking at a Youtube videoon Blogging and then this Brookers chickette popped up and I was, like, so totally hooked! ) Japan, Japan, Japan!

On the way home from Prahran pool I met myself. Inspired by Eliana Ben David (Israel) I've been carrying a camera around. I just have to remember to take it out of my bag more often. These ads ( are REALLY disturbing! Thank g-d we've moved on........................or have we???? Just watched an episode of Cougar Town (first time). OMG the lead is called Jools!!!!!!!! Some of you will no doubt be smiling. FYI I am no cougar! A lynx maybe, but no cougar. Happy Holi!! This (Pushkar Color Party 2007) has to be the Israelis taking over the square near the 'techno chai shop' . Ah! Pushkar! Ah India. Hag Sameach! Happy Purim. Talked 'Japan' with Janey after lunch and sudddenly it's starting to feel real! Can't believe i just opened the fridge and took a bite outa the parmesan block!!!!!! ooooo - the decadence of living by yourself. Fascinated by who knows who on Facebook. Imagine if you could represent the connections visually like with some sort of diagram! WOW! (Think I should go for a walk- it's getting a bit cosmic in here), OMG~ Sounds like someone's throwing golf balls on the roof .WOW! It's hail. Spooky as. Love it!!! Wondering what to do tomorrow? Go see Utopia Now -international biennale of media art at the Arts Centre, Black box. It's brilliant .............and kids like it too! Seems I've spent my time here today commenting and liking. Such a talented well-travelled bunch my Facebook tribe is! ‎5 more sleeps and then - iron bird to Japan! Seems I might be there for cherry (and plum!) blossom time. Serendipitous! Bought my JR pass today and some Yen.'s real! 3 sleeps. Friend wrote me a list of useful Japanese expressions. Konichiwa.Wa-ta-shi no na-ma-e wa Julia des. Sugoi. Sai shi-te i-mas. Toi-reh doko desu ka. Sayonara. In that order. Hello. My name is Julia, Wow! I love you. Where is the toilet? Goodbye. Hmmm. Wonder what sort of holiday he thinks I'm looking for????? Anyway - sayonara chicas and chicos. Back at Easter. Japan is! Winging homewards. Am seriously in love with Dr Fish!!!! I wonder if any female writers are represented in this quiz? I see myself as an Anais Nin or Colette, I think. However I can see the Kerouac fit. (Right here, right now.) Damn multi-tasking! Just over-roasted (aka burned) the capsicums. So cross!! The travel bug has bitten! Ouch. Can't believe I stumbled across three weddings! Off to Sydney tomorrow. Love these 4 day weeks.............or is it, love these 3 day weekends? Facebook - where voyeurs and exhibitionists meet! Love it. I took my 5 year old self (aka my Inner Child) to the McClelland sculpture park today. We had a great time! Uummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmm. not for sharing! sorry! Happy mother's day to all my mothers - past, present and future! I believe that sometimes you just have to let go and free fall. ….. falling. BUMP! Hmmm. That was a soft landing. We're all works in progress! How are you shaping up? Periodontist tomorrow. There goes a trip to New York this year!

Qi flowing; green lights all the way home; fog like ghosts dancing across the road! Hmmm. I remember the same feeling riding my scooter home from a party in Goa - light mist over the rice paddies as the sun rises. One with everything. Life is good!

Random pics of stuff that caught my attention.  Melbourne's a pretty cool city!

Need to dance! Where are my dancing buddies?????? Lost in Soundcloud land!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Welsh-born female Prime Minister for Australia tomorrow? Bookies have Julia at $1.20 and Kev at $4.20. Stay tuned! Just rolled out of bed after a night of champagne and chat, wondering what will unfold today. G-d life's hard! (Sincere apologies to my beautiful Facebook mums and dads, but then your delights are otherwise.) Bliss! Three hours of True Blood (Twilight for grown ups!). Feel like a Princess! Meals cooked for me and even the dishes done! A girl could get used to this. Gems everywhere! All we need is the 'right mind'. Eclecticism rules! ‎10 days holiday! I so deserve it. Sitting by the pool in the luscious Sydney sunshine! Hmmmm! Thanks to my fabulous tribe for your lovely birthday messages, texts and calls! I had a wonderful birthday. Love and light. Xxx

Here. Now. This perfect place; this perfect moment.

If not now, when?

Off to the hills! Lovely! Hmmmmmmmmmmm. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Looking forward to some sun ............oh, and intellectual stimulation too of course! (Conference on the Gold Coast) Everything eclipsed at the moment by the fact that my sister's house burnt down yesterday! The world wobbles in its orbit. Weird, weird, weird. Vietnam tomorrow and it feels weird - like 'walking away' from my darling sister's trauma! She's amazing!!! Hot and steamy Saigon is soooooooo cool! My mate Fi dragging me off to Happy Spa where we are pampered like princesses! Tomorrow it's ..............swimming and massages and more general decadence. And we deserve it! Well chilled - almost comatose. :) Loving Hoi An! I like it on the floor just inside the front door. Home again, home again, jiggedy jig! Vodkas on the balcony as the sun goes down; good tunes playing; the air soft and fresh. G-d I love my life! Love this iPad! No - don't actually have one. Sorry to mislead you! Was at dinner with a friend and playing with his iPad. Could be tempted though - maybe. Off to buy a whip! Everything is so fleeting- honour each moment with attention and awareness (or at least try!). Off to paint and play! Sniffle , sniffle, sneeze, sneeze! Where's the nettle tea?
Ever noticed how rain sometimes sounds like applause? What's happened to the word 'fewer'? Consider this equation: admiring looks from someone you don't fancy are not equal to admiring looks from those you do fancy. Don't you just hate variables! Tonight at the tram stop, homeless young Tom introduces himself, tells me I'm beautiful and kisses my hand. I ask where he' s off to. He says wherever the tram is going. My heart starts to ache. I nurse the kiss, like a bruise, all the way home. Where is Tom now, I wonder.
Wonderful day in The Basin - great vista, yummy picnic lunch, soft-energy workshop, delicious air............home to my lovely flat, chilling on the balcony with a glass of wine and suddenly I find myself thinking 'What did Tom do today?' Hmmmm. What's going on here? I love the smell of almost summer.
Amazing! I just rock up to the polling booth across the road form my flat and cast my vote to have a say in how our State is run! Incredible! No guns in my face, no intimidation of political heavies threatening me or my family, I don't even have to ride on the back of a truck or on a horse or a camel for kms to get to where I can vote. Groan!!!!!!!!!!!! (Hungover!) Hag sameach! Happy Hanukkah to my Jewish Facebook friends (actually to all of you! Why not!) 
That possum's back !!! RIP Norman Hetherington!
Craving some visual space!!!

 Single Dad Seeking Love (see image left)? Really? I somehow think not! All the guys in those Single Sites ads are impossibly hot. Hey - maybe this guy's supposed to be on the Single Tradies' site!

Blessings at Xmas and beyond to all of my Facebook (and Blogger) tribe! Thank you for the shared thoughts, adventures, insights, videos, pics, humour , wit, occasional 'tasteful' smut and general chit chat! xx

To all you who enrich my life in a myriad of ways, love and light in 2011. As you imagine it, so be it! xxx

2011 awaits!

No resolutions for the new year just a commitment to myself to be fully present in every situation I am in - 100% here, now rather than there, before, beyond, elsewhere! It might prove a challenge at times esp in meetings at work but one can only try.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Saigon (HCMC) Vietnam 2010

An ELT conference hosted by SEAMEO in HCMCfollowed by an 11 day holiday(well-deserved I might add!) in Vietnam. These are some pics from my few days in Saigon (so much more exotic-sounding than Ho Chi Min City, no?). Click on the photo to access the album.